June 6, 2012

Take A Moment And Breathe…

As I sit back and reflect on all that has surpassed in these short 10 months since moving to Fargo and even the journey through my doctorate and tenure as Miss WI USA, I am amazed at how much I have accomplished. More importantly, I am trying to take a moment to breathe, meditate, and appreciate my journey thus far. I have honestly been on the move for 6 years constant.

The other night while watching television with the fiancé, I exclaimed: “What should I be doing right now!” You see, in the past, it was a rare occurrence that I ever watched television or read books for leisure. Slowly, I am making these changes in my life, and I think it is good. I must attest that after that statement I arose to continue work on the wedding program. There always seems to be something wedding-related to be done. Although I have a fabulous mother who has done awesome and a wedding planner, I must admit that I am still trying to manage from the sidelines. I am going to promise to sit back and relax (with a few adult beverages) the day of the wedding. I pinkie swear (with my toes crossed, lol). On a positive note- a few hours ago I got returned from signing my contract for my first REAL job! Sure, I have had summer and part-time jobs before, but this is career-- not simply something I am doing for a few months. Next week I plan to deposit my dissertation and then I only have six more weeks of my internship!  So in honor of these celebrations, I picked up a six-pack of Summer Shandy and placed two lawn chairs on our balcony. I am simply awaiting my Love!

But seriously, I need some tips on ways to relax. What do you to unwind?

Here are some things that I currently do and one’s that I am thinking to pick up.
Leisure Reading on my Nook Tablet!
I must find a yoga studio in Fargo!

Treat myself to a relaxing massage.