June 8, 2014

Week 2: Parkersburg Half Marathon Training

Week 2
8 M
3 M EZ
6 x 400 IW
9 M
3 M EZ
6/1 - 6/7
6 M
5 M
6 x 400 IW
4 M

Happy Sunday! Week 2 of half marathon training was not as stellar as I would have liked, but who tries to stick to a plan whilst moving? Because of this, I have decided not to harbor on this less than stellar training week and congratulate myself for not completely putting my workouts on the back burner! Hey, I have 10 more weeks of training, so all is not lost just yet!

Do you see anything "new" about my workouts above? Yes, CrossFit! I took my first class at CrossFit SEO on Friday, and think I am going to join. This week I will do the one-week membership since I will be traveling to Tampa the following week. I figure I can get a month membership, if I so decide, once I return from a quick Florida get-away! 

CrossFit is not foreign to me. I actually joined a CrossFit box while living in Fargo for a few months. A number of things made me decide to switch gyms, but I have aways admired the CrossFit philosophy. I can't give a full review just yet, but my first impressions are positive. Everyone was very friendly!

We have officially unpacked all of our belongings and it feels wonderful! I am so glad to be done with packing/unpacking and the unsettled feeling of knowing you are moving in XX days or weeks. Now, I have the "Athens Digs" to decorate. Do you enjoy interior decorating? I can't say it is one of my strong points, but I am going with it. I wish I could hire an interior decorator to handle the whole thing for me. Oh, and of course an endless budget would be great too!




  1. I totally agree on the decorating/design front. We renovated our house a few years ago but have yet to art on the walls, curtains hung, accent pillows, book cases styled etc. Not sure if I will ever figure that out without hiring someone :)

    1. Well that makes me feel a tad bit better! Darlene is coming in mid-July and I am very anxious for her assistance!!!
