June 30, 2014

Change of Plans, Rethinking My Training Plan & Listening to My Body

Happy Monday Folks! As the title indicates, there have been a few modifications and changes to my half marathon training and race! I have said before, but it never hurts to repeat myself - I am deplorable at taking rest days, stretching, and taking it easy overall in the workout department. Not that I have a six pack to show for all these efforts, one day!

Anywho, two weeks ago, before I went to Florida, I reluctantly agreed decided to push back my half marathon to the following weekend. Coach Kemp was not enthused about the thought of me traveling to West Virginia by myself when he was in Canada! I begrudgingly agreed that it was not the best of ideas, and then joyfully found a race the following weekend in Dublin, Ohio, the Emerald City Half Marathon.

I actually am pretty enthused to have my chauffeur and cheerleader there for me at the race! Thanks Coach for being such a sport!

Now I technically have 7 weeks to prepare for this race, well I had started training, but now my eyes are set on a different half; you get what I mean. This gave me an opportunity to reflect on my current training plan... Which, to be honest, has been a little challenging for me to handle.

I think there are a number of factors that are contributing to my burn-out in the running department. First, I started CrossFit, and I will be honest, the workouts kick my butt!! I will share this week's workouts in a few. Sure, I have been working-out for some time, but my body is needing some time to adjust to the new workouts.

Second, I am horrible at stretching before and after workouts. I mean HORRIBLE! Thank heavens CrossFit SEO includes warm-ups and stretches post workouts, because if not, this lady would keep it trekking which is no good. I am going to enforce 10 minutes of stretching and rolling daily!

Third, gosh I hate admitting #3, but I am not sure if I gave myself enough down time between my marathon and training for this subsequent half. I am going to take a major break after this half marathon. I have not even looked at any race calendars nor will I allow myself. I am planning to take a graduate course in the fall, which I am hoping ties over my antsy tendencies of not feeling busy enough.

I was able to get in five workouts this week, some in Tampa and the others here in Athens. On Monday morning I took yet another 6am BodFit class with my girlfriends from high school; I too had taken an early morning class on Wednesday with the crew. Wow, if I was living in Tampa, I would definitely incorporate BodFit into my normal routine. It is pure insanity, not the workout, for 1.5 hours! My girlfriends, Elizabeth and Candice have been going for like 5 years, and I completely see why they are hooked. Candice drives like 30+ mins just to get to the studio! Honestly, that workout too had me questioning my fitness level, what the heck gives lately!?!

Tuesday was a rest day, and then was followed by a 1 hour run around campus on Wednesday! Thursday-Saturday were CrossFit SEO workouts!!!

Thursday CrossFit WOD
EMOM (8 Mins)

  • 1 snatch balance 
  • 6 fish flops

My Performance: Using 35lbs dumbbell


  • Run 800 meters
  • Farmers Carry (One Large Lap)
My Performance: 17 Mins 8 Secs using 20 lbs dumbbells in each hand (should have used 25)

Friday CrossFit WOD
5-10-15-15-10-5 (11 Mins)

  • Med Ball Cleans
  • Box Jump Overs
  • Push Press

My Performance: 1125 [Did not do last round of 5 (15) +  and 10 push press = 25]
Used 14 lbs med ball
45' box jump

Saturday CrossFit WOD
Warrior WOD, Murph

  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 200 push-ups
  • 300 squats
  • 1 mile run
My Performance: 43 mins 54 seconds
Mods: Black band for pull-ups & knee push-ups


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