March 20, 2015

This Momma-To-Be Can't Run?!?!

After Monday's stint with the ER, I have questioned even writing about this topic. As this pregnancy progresses, a few of my ideals and perceptions about pregnancy, child-birth, and parenting have indeed changed; however, I think many woman and their partners would agree that this growth occurs.

I first want to thank each one of your for your comments on the blog and on my Facebook when I announced that I had been in the ER! It is always reassuring to know that people are sending well-wishes and reminding me to take it easy! I did not get out of the bed all day Tuesday, and returned to work on Weds working in 30-45mins intervals with the same amount of rest.

Yesterday at my OB appointment, my physician stated that there is no way of truly knowing what caused the gastroenteritis, but that the contractions were triggered by my dehydration. I am still amazed that I had such severe dehydration (off the charts!), given the copious amounts of water that I consume on a daily basis! But, if you observed the frequency and intensity of my hurling sessions, then I guess not so surprising! Overall, I had no major concerns so I left with a clean bill of health, and the encouragement to continue to consume more solid/rich foods as the days go by.

Every day since Tuesday morning, I have progressively felt more like myself. Coach made the most delicious home-made chicken noodle soup that I was finally able to enjoy on Wednesday for dinner! I will have the last bowl tonight for dinner! And I am hoping that I can transition past toast and saltines by Saturday! Today I did stomach some of the Paleo Pumpkin Bread that I made, and it settled well with my stomach! Thinking I will try a smoothie for lunch!

Today's post was not a recap of Monday, but I felt that introduction was pertinent, especially since this week of little inactivity, Monday in particular, and the last few months have really impacted the things I stress about. 

Prior to getting pregnant, I would have sworn that I would be that pregnant lady running half marathons until the day she delivers. I was a freshman at University of Florida who picked up running as a hobby in efforts of thwarting the Freshman 15. Well, I would go on my freshman year to lose some weight, that was not necessary, only to gain many pounds my sophomore year! By my junior year, I figured out the best formula and balance, but back to freshman year...

I fondly remember my first 5k race in Orlando, FL that freshman year. I had started running in the fall, progressing from 2 miles, to 3, to even 5miles for a comfortable run. So what does one do when they pick up a hobby? Find an outlet for competition, right? So I registered for a 5K race in Orlando in the early Spring that my parents accompanied me to. I remember my outfit like it was yesterday. I wore an Adidas grey two piece running outfit - sports bra and compression shorts - with my midriff svelte and chiseled! I was rocking the Janet Jackson braids back then, and know there must be a picture at my parents house somewhere! Wow, so fun!

I must admit that I do not have many recollections of the actual race but the events that led to the finish line.  As I see the archway to the finish line approaching, I pick up my pace to a distinct sprint. Something catches my eye to my left; another runner perhaps.  I look to my left and am baffled that I am being surpassed by a female runner with a large pregnant belly! You guys, this was no pregnancy bump but a belly! I was partially miffed that a very pregnant woman surpassed me, but then I too rejoiced that she had just kicked my ass! After that day I promised myself that I would do the same thing one day.... Pass a youthful runner at the finish line!

Well, that day has not occurred and I am not sure that it will for this pregnancy.

I had planned and was even training to run a half marathon while I was home in February. As the months progressed, my runs became ever more painful.  At first I tried to shrug it off as side stitches, but the pains even occurred during CrossFit WODs when we do not run more than 5 laps at a time.

I mentioned it to one of the OBs at the box and she nodded, that maybe my body was telling me to lay off running.. Yes, this is what I figured but not what I wanted to hear. I had envisioned being a pregnant runner and my vision was not coming to fruition!




All emotions that welled inside of me!

Then one day I had an ah-ha moment. What is wrong with me? I am seriously distraught because I can't run while I am pregnant? I was and still am active with CrossFit and my treadmill became my vehicle for long walks verse dreaded runs (I despise running on treadmills.)

I had to sit back and question my priorities. Was it really imperative that I run for all 9 months of this pregnancy?


Is it important that I stay active and healthy while pregnant?

Yes, and this has been accomplished.

Will I be able to pick up my running shoes post-partum?

Yes, I have no doubt that my body will take back to running when it is time.

This is just one lesson that I have learned in the last six months, and I am sure that a multitude will surface in the last three months of this pregnancy as well as Little Miss Kemp's first year of life lifetime!

I hope that I am able to reflect back to this time when another similar situation arises. I am an avid planner, and like to believe that I am in control of situations. I have had many mommas tell me that this is my first dose of reality; that many more years will progress without being in full control. This truth frightens me, but I am actually glad that my running plan did not progress. No, not that I wanted a reason to stop running, but I needed this jolt in reality.

Michelyn Cynthia

Question of the Day: Did you have any "disappointments" while pregnant?

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