How Far Along:: 26 weeks
Size of Baby:: Little Miss Kemp is the size of a head of lettuce!
Gender:: Girl!
Stretch Marks:: Started using mama mio body buff. It is a really light formula, not sure if it is making a difference, but "placebos" are fine with me :)
Sleep:: Up and down. I have been waking several times in the night to use the potty and also because of insomnia - kind of over it!
Exercise::Got back in the swing of things over the weekend with my treadmill routine, and then returned to the box on Monday! I too started jogging a little more than in previous weeks. Are you surprised given my recent article, This Momma-To-Be Can't Run?!?! I will clarify that I am doing more of a jog + walk interval than anything. But, it does feel good to be moving faster than a walk.
Cravings::After consuming 90% carbs last week, it has been a little struggle not wanting Ezekiel bread, cereal and crackers. I really like carbs, but am trying to stick my weekly meal plan for the week.
Miss Anything::Now that the weather is warmer, I am quite envious of the runners I see about town.
Symptoms:: Back relief has come. I mentioned last week about getting manipulated. This occurred on Monday, and I go back in two weeks.
Belly Button In or Out::In
Movement:: Yes! The neuromusculoskeletal doctor on Monday stated: "Wow! She moves a lot!"
Best Moment of the Week:: Seeing the doctor on Monday & getting back into my workout routine!
Looking Forward To:: Madison!
Michelyn Cynthia
Oh my goodness, so exciting!!!