January 14, 2015

Bump Watch: Week 16

How Far Along:: 16 weeks

Size of Baby:: Miss Kemp is the size of an avocado

Gender:: It's A Girl!

Stretch Marks:: Much out there states that if you steadily gain weight you can help prevent or slow down stretch marks. I know I am not disclosing my weight gain, but my weight gain has been pretty slow and steady. I am hoping to continue in this fashion in efforts of preventing stretch marks. Genetics is also a factor in stretch marks, and my mother reports not having stretch marks after/during my birth. To aid in this process, I have continued exercising, eating healthy foods, and keep my body hydrated on the interior (water consumption) and exterior (lotions and oils).

Sleep::I am sticking to 9hrs/night.Last week when I tried to shorten my nightly slumber, I then found myself a little tired during the day and desiring a little 15-20min mid-day snoozer. I find when I get lots of nightly sleep, I do not need/yearn for a mid-day nap.

Exercise:: I am considering running outside this weekend since it has warmed up a bit; however, I am still wavering on this idea only because I frequent the ladies room so darn often. When I run on the treadmill I swear I take a potty break each mile, or around 9-10 minutes which is absurd. I am not sure if it is worth the trouble, or if I am frequenting the bathroom since it is so readily available.

Cravings:: Planning on a Vegetarian Jimmy John's sandwich on Saturday!

Miss Anything:: I am over my desires for alcohol, for now!

Symptoms:: Frequent lower back pain. Not sure if this is because I sit at my desk for long periods of time or not...

Belly Button In or Out:: In

Movement:: Not yet. I surfed the net and it states that first-time mothers feel movement between 16 and 25 weeks. Could that range be any more huge?

Looking Forward to::My trip to sunny Florida in February!

On My Mind: My next OB appointment is tomorrow, Thursday, and I have a laundry list of questions. I retract that statement a few weeks ago when I wondered what we would discuss. I hope they do not book appointments tight!


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