February 4, 2015

Bump Watch: Week 19

How Far Along:: 19 weeks

Size of Baby:: Miss Kemp is the size of a mango! At my ultra-sound (US) on Monday, the technician stated that she is weighing 12 ounces! Uhm, that is quite larger than what my App says. She noted: "I think she is going to be long!" I then spoke with my sister-in-law who reassured me that all three of my nephews and niece were around 13-14 ounces at 20 week. More importantly, she did not birth giants!

Gender:: It's A Girl!

Stretch Marks:: In the clear thus far!

Sleep:: Getting better at sleeping on my side. I have yet to purchase a pregnancy pillow, using a pillow in between my legs by my knees has met my needs.

Exercise:: I have been doing more CrossFit exercises and not as many treadmill runs these days. I do frequently hop on the treadmill to read a book or peruse my favorite blogs. Have you read my book review for "A Mad, Wicked Folly?" It was the first book for my new series - Beauty Blogger Book Club!

Cravings:: On Monday night, Jason proclaimed that he is being short-handed as the spouse to a pregnant woman. He is anguishing the fact that I do not have major food cravings, lol. He tried to lure me into Dairy Queen, Insomnia Cookies, and Whit's. I was dying laughing because he does not believe he is experiencing "true pregnancy!"

Miss Anything:: Being able to run consistently, for long periods of time/distance.

Symptoms::Discomfort, bloat and always feeling stuffed. Lately, I have been feeling quite heavy, bloaty and just downright full all times of day. I have not had any issues with constipation, but my stomach feels as though it is plugged up and huge/heavy. It has been really uncomfortable.

On Monday, I mentioned this to my doctor at the gym (the appointment only consisted of the US). I really try to not ask my doctor questions when I see her at the box, well since she is there to get a workout in, not to provide medical advice. But on Saturday, I was sharing my feelings with another one of the mommy members, and she urged me to say something to my doctor when I saw her. My doctor asked about my regularity and I explained the above. I recently even Google searched diuretic foods, only to learn that I consume nearly all of the items daily/weekly except for caffeinated beverages. She urged me not to begin caffeinated beverages; and that it is just the fact that my uterus is still pretty small, the baby is growing and its just really a lot taking up valuable real estate in my stomach/uterus region. She assured me that I will begin to get accustomed to the feeling and that it may subside as my uterus grows more.

Belly Button In or Out:: In

Movement:: Yes! And, to my amazement I have been feeling movement for a number of weeks, but was not sure if it was baby movement, hallucinations, or just my uterus growing/expanding. Well, during the US, I was able to confirm that the various "things" that I have been feeling, are indeed Little Miss Kemp moving. When we first started the ultra-sound I told the tech that I believe she is more on my left side, and sure enough, this momma was right!

It was a relief to see the Little Miss Kemp moving and hear her heart beat. I wish there were more ultra-sounds, not just simple doctor visits. I mean I enjoy seeing the doctors, but I would prefer seeing my little girl on the screen! I can't believe that the next time I visually see her again will not be until around week 35! That seems like a very long time, no?

Looking Forward to:: My trip to Tampa, and adjusting the color of my hair. I know you can't discern in this photo, but my hair is red! I must confess that I chose the color, but did not realize it would be so intense.

Eek... I have a hair appointment on Thursday to correct. Now, the hair cut and the placement of the highlights are on point, so I can't blame my hairstylist, it was a bad choice in color that I chose. But, it is only hair and correctable!

On My Mind:I said I would begin investigating/reading about natural vs medicated child birth this month, February, but am not seeing that happening until March. I bought another two mommy books that I am reading this month as well as my February BBBC book, Beautiful Ruins.

Best Moment of the Week:: Ultra-sound appointment on Monday!

Michelyn Cynthia


  1. I'm totally impressed you're still doing cross fit! My doctor kicked me off the elliptical machine at about 6 months and all I could do was walk on the treadmill, total bummer :(

  2. Wow! I think every doctor has a different opinion, and there is not good research about pregnancy and working out though I would beg to believe that it is only positive for the mother and baby. I did have one of the practicing OBs advice me to only lift things under 50lbs... I do not follow this rule as my uncle, a fertility specialist, as well as my other doctor said I was fine. Your doctor would not have liked me, b/c I would have continued my workouts lol. I am hard headed :)
